Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A View to a Kill

"Bond snow surfs"

review of A View to a Kill- John Glen

Where to begin with this travesty of a Bond film...I'll start by mentioning the one good point of the film. I rather enjoyed the opening theme by Duran Duran, even though I strongly disliked the visual aspect of it.

Easily one of the worst Bond films in history, AVTAK accomplished the same thing that Connery and Brosnan's last films did for them.

With Moore now into his late 50's, we see that he should have called it quits with Octopussy or even For Your Eyes Only. The films starts off with one of the absolute worst sequences with Bond 'snow surfing' to the song of California Girls. I would ask the producers what they were thinking when they decided to have an almost 60 year old looking Bond try to pull off stunts that most 30 year old can't pull off, but I'm sure they are thinking that already. Also, where is the classic Bond score during a scene like this??? What an abomination. I would discuss Bond's escape into a miniature submarine disguised as an iceberg, but I would rather not have you think about it.

I won't go into great detail concerning the plot, because I feel like it isn't even worth mentioning. With some Bond films I can easily say that the plot was a great idea, but poorly conceived. This is not one of those times. The plot is extremely choppy, campy, and drags in almost every scene. From beginning to end I kept thinking to myself: 1) Is it really getting this much worse? 2) How is it possible that they messed up a Bond movie like this after two great films back-to-back? The climax, or lack there of, was short and completely loony. Watching 57 year old Moore playing Bond in some of the most overblown stunts in the franchise's history was more than laughable. I was more than happy when the credits started to roll.

Even though Christopher Walken is a great actor, he played one of the worst Bond villains. He mannerisms and overall appearance were frustrating and ill-timed. Grace Jones, while quite gritty in AVTAK, ended up falling short as well. The one thing that prevents me from watching this movie entirely anymore, is Tanya Roberts as Stacey Hutton. Again, why would the producers allow the footage that they shot of her to even enter into a theater? Her constant shrieking and crying is worse than that of a 2 year old. She played no part in Bond's mission and was a complete hindrance.


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